I became fascinated with mom blogging a few years ago when I was ghostwriting for a mom blogger. Initially, I thought mom bloggers wrote about “mom stuff” like toys, feeding, cute clothes, developmental concerns, and the like. Rather, I found most mom bloggers focus on a specific niche. In other words, mom blogs don’t have to be about “mom stuff.” Here are some different types of mom blogs I’ve come across:

Mom Bloggers with Multiple Authors

These blogs typically cover “mom stuff,” including pregnancy and postpartum. They have multiple regular contributors in addition to guest writers.

Babble. Babble is owned by Disney and focuses on parenting and pregnancy. Contributing writers are typically employed by Disney in some capacity. Babble features more of the “sensational” and celebrity side of mom blogging, in addition to addressing topics such as summer vacation tips and funny tweets from parents.

Example: “Kristen Bell’s Trick for Keeping Her Kids Close is One We’ll Be Stealing ASAP.

Pregnant Chicken. Pregnant Chicken was a project started in 2010 by a woman who wanted to help others navigate the world of pregnancy/parenting. Since then, Pregnant Chicken has grown to include a handful of full-time bloggers and various contributors.

The writing is a good combination of humor and brutal honesty. Some categories include the “Scary Sh** Series” and helpful tips for handling the tougher moments that come with parenting. This blog isn’t for the faint-hearted — in addition to the aforementioned brutal honesty, readers should be prepared for some coarse language.

Example: The Seven Stages of Picking a Name For Your Baby

Hellobee. Hellobee is a collection of posts from a community centered around a family (the mom used to be a wedding blogger). The blog is unique in that it’s a community forum where people can post questions and participate in conversations. However, to unlock this function of the website, there’s a fee (about $25/year).

Example: Some of Our Favorite Picture Books Featuring Animals

Maine Mom Blogs

Mom blogs by geography offer a fun, unique perspective of a certain location (local daycares, best places to go swimming, etc).

Scraped Up Kid. Published via Bangor Daily News, “Scraped Up Kid” is written by Mount Desert Island resident Cherie Galyean, and is all about the outdoors and children. I love it because I spent the first 3 years of my life living on a lakefront cabin where we had no neighbors. We spent a lot of time outside and my own kiddo is going to grow up in a similar way.

Example: Stop Making Outside a Chore (a prime example of a nostalgic read — my brother and I were outside whenever it was nice out).

Soule Mama. A blog from a Western Maine mom, author, and magazine editor, this is a great example of a blog with sponsorship. (If you look at the list of sponsors in the sidebar, you’ll see all of them have a common theme of based on the blog’s overall message.) The blog is updated fairly regularly and features topics such as gardening, farm life, homeschooling, Maine, and a recent series about yurts.

Example: Raising the Yurt, Part One (I’m a little obsessed with the idea of yurts).

Running & Fitness Mom Blogs

Hungry Runner Girl. This has been one of my favorite blogs for the past 3 years. The author has a 4-year-old and is pregnant again (I was pretty excited to hear that we are overlapping a little bit). Initially, I began reading this blog for running advice and getting tips for speed work. Now I just read it for fun/tips on juggling life with a small child.

Example: On Being a Single Mom (I loved this post when it was written in 2015/16, well before mom-hood was on my radar).

Carrots N Cake. Like Hungry Runner Girl, Carrots N Cake started out pre-motherhood, and evolved to fit the mom blogger model. While the writer, Tina, does some running-related stuff, she is also a certified personal trainer and has nutrition-related certification. She also works full time at a company she runs with another woman called Designed to Fit Nutrition.

Example: 10 Tips for Balancing Exercise with a New Baby.

Food Mom Blogs

Oh She Glows. Oh She Glows also started pre-motherhood and has continued now that the author has had two young children. Her website mainly focuses on food and recipes, although she does include some anecdotal bits about her family.

Example: Vegan Cinnamon Rolls with a Make-Ahead Option

Foodtastic Mom. This mom shares recipes for those looking to balance meal time with the demands of work, family schedules, etc. Her philosophy is that the kitchen should be a place of empowerment rather than stress.

Example: Sheet Pan Fish Tacos

Personal Finance Mom Blogs

The Budget Mom. The Budget Mom started in 2016 by a woman who went to college for Business Administration/Finance. She has also performed a lot of personal finance research on credit card debt and student loan repayment, all while raising a young child. Her blog shares tips on budgeting, debt, and how to save more.

Example: Budgeting: Income (yay) vs. Expenses (yuck)

Jessi Fearon- Real Life on a Budget: Jessi is a mother of 3 who, with her husband, eliminated more than $50 grand in debt over 17 months.  She created her blog to help others learn to control their money (rather than vice versa). She also produces e-courses and challenges that go out via email newsletters, as well as a YouTube channel.

Example: How We Paid Off $5000 of Debt in 1 Month

Moms who blog are not restricted to writing exclusively about motherhood, although that is certainly a route that some take. I’ve only shared some examples of the different things mom bloggers are writing about, but trust me, there are many more out there!