One of our clients is an older man who’s not really on social media. But this 70 year old man has at least one doctorate and runs a multimillion dollar company. And he asked me a question as we were having lunch a couple weeks ago.

“If I want to spend a significant amount of money on online ads, what can I expect?”

I realized I wanted to give him an explanation of online advertising costs/objectives in a general enough way for him to make business decisions but in a specific enough way that he could tell me what he wanted and we could give it to him.

So this is the presentation I came up with. I ran it in front a business group last week and they said it was helpful so I wanted to share it with my internet friends!

The first question when you take out any kind of ad is the ‘objective’. And the more you ask of people, generally the more you are going to pay.

Getting creative, audiences, platforms, keywords, etc. right all helps with the ads, sure. But I wanted to back out and show some examples of a birds eye view of running ads with specific examples from my personal businesses and life. (There is a missing dog ad in this story with a happy ending!)

In the end, the client liked this example and he’s thinking about what he wants… and hopefully it helps you think about ads too!