Whenever I watch people who seem to make a full time living, say, snarking about 90 Day FiancĂ©, I can’t help but wonder…. What did I do wrong in my life to not be doing this? And more importantly… how do these people make a full time living doing this?

In short, the full time living creating content is a bit of an illusion.

Two things to note: 1) we don’t know the full financial circumstances of any one person so we can’t assume anyone makes a full time income making content unless they disclose that with receipts, and 2) most content creators have a variety of income streams to make this work.

Bloggers were the OG influencers/content creators. And Darren Rowse (Problogger) used to do these really regular income breakdowns that showed the multiple income streams he had.

In this broadcast, I talk general examples but here are the links to what I showed onscreen:
Sponsored posts example
Affiliate example
Exclusive content example
Display ads example
Monetizing content

We can learn a lot from full time content creators who have been on the scene a while like Hank Green.

And while we don’t have to pick one lane of interest/content anymore, it does help if we can summarize ourselves briefly, like in this example.

The value of story telling has shifted in favor of those who can create content. Here, Kevin O’Leary speaks briefly on the “starving artist” earning more than the traditional engineer.

So while I won’t be able to be a Rural French Canadian Oprah anytime soon, I can dabble in lower key fame and money via content creation… and if you decide to in 2022, please leave a comment so we can follow your journey!