If you’ve ever wondered how Google can search movies that came out in 2000 (without, say, pulling up movies with 2000 in the title) or otherwise wondered how code seems to know where to look for certain information on your website, this video is for you!

Old school HTML is fine if you don’t have specific fields of information that you would like to reference/search. But books have authors, businesses have addresses, and when you start thinking about it, certain types of content needs certain markup code. This video is a very brief intro to this idea with a few examples but if you want more detail, let us know!

(These types of markup can be added to different kinds of websites differently – if you open up your favorite search engine and type in, say, “add schema for products to shopify store” there exists more detailed tutorials to help- or you can hire someone to deal.)

Resources mentioned:
Nicole’s OGP Rap (Don’t judge Nicole she is not a professional rapper. Obviously.)