How I Manage My Inbox: A Bulletproof Inbox Review (Not Affiliate)
**Note: I have used this software for free (value $10/month)** So Bulletproof Inbox slid into my DMs four months ago, and I’ve been giving it a shot. If you want help managing your email, this video is for you! Try for free for seven days at bulletproofinbox.com...
Why I Won’t Touch Master Resell Rights With A 10 Foot Pole
Master Resell Rights are all downside and the latest get-rich-quick scheme. Here’s a short-ish video comparing it to something you might actually understand (because the people trying to sell it to you online are being pretty vague). Agreement referenced:...
So You Hired A Marketing Intern (Part One)
I’ve worked with A LOT of marketing interns over the years and a large part of what we see is interns who are overwhelmed by being given a giant task like making a company’s entire marketing strategy. In this video, I outline why I think this is ridiculous...
Event Management Software: How To Choose
Whether you starting doing events for your business during the pandemic or events have become a part of your revenue more generally, you have no doubt considered software to have you manage it all. Here’s a video about what you need to know to pick the best...
Setting Your Hourly Rate
A friend who is wanting to start her own consultancy reached out and asked me about setting an hourly rate. Here’s some factors that could go into calculating yours.