Ethics in Marketing

Ethics in Marketing

Working for a small business that attracts some amazing clients, I’ve never run into a situation where I’m asked to carry out a task or promote something that I’m morally opposed to (and, I have the freedom to politely turn down such a project)....
What We Can Learn From Horror Remixes

What We Can Learn From Horror Remixes

This month’s theme is creativity and that got us thinking about something that doesn’t seem very creative at all: remakes, reboots and sequels (by the way, it’s not your imagination, the number of sequels and remakes is on the rise). Scary movies...
Ten Stories: What Would You Say?

Ten Stories: What Would You Say?

When I was 25, I read ‘What Color Is Your Parachute?’ As a huge fan of the self help genre, and I was in a bit of a career crossroads, so it was the perfect read. But when I saw how many exercises there were, I only did some of them. One of the ones I did...
We All Can’t Be Seth Godin

We All Can’t Be Seth Godin

5 Long Form Bloggers And Why It Works For Them When I hear about people aspiring to blog, people usually mention Seth Godin. Seth Godin’s blog posts are often short and sweet (and if you don’t believe me or want to see first hand, here is a link to his...

The Yule Blog

Merry Christmas from Breaking Even Communications! We hope you enjoy this “Yule Blog,” maybe even more than an actual Yule log. “Yule Blog” combines holiday cheer and the internet in a festive mashup-and you won’t have the sugar crash...
Hey, What’s the Blog Idea?

Hey, What’s the Blog Idea?

Told with some help from Will Ferrell. When people ask us if they should have a blog on their website, they aren’t usually expecting to hear “Well, it depends.” Do I think blogs can be beneficial to businesses and websites? Absolutely. But, not all...