Types of Mom Blogs

Types of Mom Blogs

I became fascinated with mom blogging a few years ago when I was ghostwriting for a mom blogger. Initially, I thought mom bloggers wrote about “mom stuff” like toys, feeding, cute clothes, developmental concerns, and the like. Rather, I found most mom...
Blogging by Trimester

Blogging by Trimester

The other day, I saw something fun post on Pinterest (go figure, right?) that likened the stages of starting a business to the trimesters of pregnancy. I found that pretty clever, and it got me thinking about a similar comparison between pregnancy and building a blog:...
Time Management for Mom Bloggers

Time Management for Mom Bloggers

Note: Although part of my series on mom bloggers, this post on time management can apply to a variety of people. Moms are just one example of people who juggle multiple priorities.  Today, a lot of women are balancing both career and motherhood. Some are working from...
How Do Mom Bloggers Make Money?

How Do Mom Bloggers Make Money?

Until recently, I was under the impression that most moms who blogged did it just to hear themselves talk. But now that I have my own personal blog and will soon be a mother, I’m realizing that isn’t the case at all. Most mom bloggers are actually making...