Before I met Linda Robinson, I knew three things about her:

  1. She was super interested in and knew a lot about birthing babies.
  2. She did lots of work in other countries related to this.
  3. She had a weekly blog.

Now most people just blog when they feel like it, but Linda blogs every Sunday, whether she is in the middle of Africa or at her daughter’s house. Yes, writing is a form of self expression, but when you keep a regular publication schedule it also requires discipline.

Before blogging, Linda used to write weekly letters home, which she’s since compiled into a book “Sunday Morning, Shamwana”. She continues this practice with her blog as a letter she can write to lots of people.

In this interview, we discuss blogging and lots lots more. Full disclosure: Linda is Nicole’s landlord. Here are the links we promised you in the video:

Buy Linda’s Book on her website

Buy Linda’s Book on Amazon (note: this is an affiliate link)

Read Linda’s Blog

Check out our resources about blogging